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Materiale Didattico

Christmas with the family

The boundaries between humans and animals have been so eaten away that some devoted owners treat their animals like privileged children.

Among dog owners, 53.5 percent considered their pets to be members of the family, according to a survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

These "paternal" instincts can be strong. Jayme Otto, 31, drove 1,200 miles to her parents' house for Christmas so that her Labrador, Cody Bear, could meet her brother's fiancée. The fiancée was allergic to dogs.

"The dog was banished to the guest bedroom and we were unable to share our Christmas morning with Cody Bear," Ms. Otto said bitterly. A family feud resulted and she stopped speaking to her mother for two months, and her brother for four. This Christmas will mark the first time that Jayme will not be returning home.

Level: A2

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