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Book talk

Turning a kitchen table business into a million-dollar company is not easy -- but nor is it impossible if you believe in yourself, argues Tamara Monosoff, who runs a company distributing products made by mothers.

Monosoff, who founded the company Mom Inventors Inc. in 2003, interviewed 17 women for her book "Secrets of Millionaire Moms: Learn how they turned great ideas into booming business -- and how you can too". It will be released in May by McGraw-Hill.

The women run a range of businesses including restaurants, toy or clothing design firms, and even Build-A-Bear Workshop, -- always juggling work and families.

This follows on from Monosoff's first book "The Mom Inventors Handbook: How to Turn Your Great Idea into the Next Big Thing."

Before motherhood and launching Mom Inventors, Monosoff served as an appointee to the Clinton Administration in the White House and the U.S. Department of Education. She lives in California with her husband and two young children.

Monosoff reassures her readers, "These are women who started their business from a single idea and built it into million-dollar ventures without necessarily having a business background."

Her book encompasses how to be successful and the complex role of modern women. "On the business side, I hope it teaches about money -- how to get it. But then there is also what I call the extreme sport of juggling family and business and what is your dream for yourself."

Level: B2

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