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Materiale Didattico

"Juno" stirs debate

The Oscar-nominated movie Juno, about a 16-year-old who gets pregnant, has caused a variety of reactions, with some suggesting the film glorifies teen pregnancy, while others see a modern look at a difficult topic.

Thomas Cottle, a sociologist at Boston University, explained the complexity of the issue. "There is not one culture in America," he said. "With all these races and social classes and religions, this thing called 'teen pregnancy' is experienced and thought about in very different ways."

Pop culture professor Gary Hoppenstand of Michigan State University disagrees that Juno makes teen pregnancy seem cool, saying the film portrays a girl who makes a mistake, but takes responsibility for her actions. "In very traditional values, it's either right or wrong. What's being represented here is that there are gray areas and no absolutes," he said.

Level: A2


    Answer the following questions about the teen pregnancy movie 'Juno' and the debate it has caused.
1)   Have you seen the film? If so, what was your impression.
2)   According to the article, why is the movie stirring debate?
3)   How does Prof. Cottle explain this reaction?
4)   Does Prof. Hoppenstand think 'Juno' glorifies teen pregnancy?
5)   Are teenage moms common in your country?
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